Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is comprised of dedicated volunteers who are also members of The Potomac Squash Club. 

We are committed to ensuring that PSC’s members continue to enjoy the game of squash at all levels and to maintain the PSC facility to best serve its members and within the budget and operating requirements of the PSC. 

We welcome all squash players to join PSC to enjoy the game of squash as much as we do along with all our fellow PSC members.  And we welcome any members who wish to volunteer and help us support PSC!  Please feel free to contact us at any time and we will respond as soon as possible.

Current Bylaws (adopted 1983): Photocopy of the 1983 Version

Current Members of the Board of Directors: Potomac Squash Club Board of Directors 2023-2024

Whom to contact when problems arise at the club: PSC Contacts List 2023 – 2024 PSC Roles and Responsibilities – Points of Contact (POCs)

PSC Policies:

Minutes of Meetings of the Board of Directors:


Minutes of Annual Membership Meetings:


N179-180 Combined General Release and Waiver of Liability


FY2023 Budget and Financial Statement as of  (To Be Updated shortly 9/12/2023):